8 Lessons Learned From a Year of Living Simply

living simplyTomorrow marks one year since we closed on the sale of our “more than enough” house and officially moved to Maine. In some ways it seems like just yesterday that we pulled away with our trailer of belongings in tow. In other ways, it seems like years since we took that one last selfie in the dining room of our old house.As I reflect on this past year of living simply, I realize I’ve filled my life with a lot. Simplifying your life isn’t just about getting rid of physical possessions. It’s about experiencing life in a more purposeful, fulfilling way. I refer to these values and intangibles that I’ve filled my life with as Simple Living Principles. These principles have become prominent in my life as I’ve lived more simply.I’m sharing the principles I’ve experienced this past year along with the lessons I’ve learned (or reinforced) with hopes that it inspires you to take action on simplifying your life.

  • Gratitude - I am grateful for being brave and for taking a chance to follow my dreams even though it seemed crazy at times. The timing was as right as it was going to get-waiting until conditions were perfect would have resulted in a missed opportunity and unrealized dreams. Lesson learned-Don’t wait. Follow your dreams now.
  • Amazement - I am amazed at how much stuff we had. And how we’ve done just fine without all of that stuff for the past year. Lesson learned-You really don’t need a lot of what you own.
  • Contentment - I am content with the things we still have. I’m often asked if we have any regrets from anything we’ve let go of and one year later, I can still answer that question with a resounding “Nope!” Lesson learned-Making intentional choices leads to no regrets.
  • Generosity - We spent a fair amount of time selling items over the course of our year and a half of downsizing, but this past year, we’ve simply donated most of the items that we no longer need. The feeling of knowing someone else is getting (and appreciating) something that I no longer need is very rewarding and the time saved from listing and selling items has far outweighed whatever little cash I would have received for the items. Lesson learned-Give freely. The joy experienced on both sides is immeasurable.
  • Community - Even though I moved to a place where I knew only a handful of people, I’m feeling more connected to others than ever before. I have friends all around the world (and places to stay when I make it to their corners of the world!) There are a lot of good people in this world. Lesson learned-Get to know new people. What you’ll gain from new relationships far outweighs what you’ll gain from buying another “thing.”
  • Possibility - I’ve learned to encounter change through the lens of possibility and hope as opposed to fear and anxiety as I once had. Lesson Learned-You get to choose how you view life. Don’t be a victim. Find the good.
  • Exploring - Saying “no” to stuff has meant saying “yes” to traveling. Less money spent on housing and possessions and less time spent taking care of our house and those possessions means more time and more money for traveling. It’s a tradeoff that I’m enjoying MUCH more than I even imagined and the benefits this has had on our children is incredible. Lesson learned-Get out and see the world. And take your kids with you. You’ll all learn and grow more than you can imagine.
  • Connection - Making the move we did took us away from many friends and family members. We’ve missed being able to attend gatherings and stop by just to say hi, but we’ve made it a priority to visit as frequently as we can. We’ve also been able to visit friends and family in other states during our travels and we’ve had some come visit us. What I’ve enjoyed about these visits is how much more present and intentional we are during them. Overall, I feel like we’ve deepened connections, which was a benefit I hadn’t anticipated. Lesson learned-With intention, you can experience deep connections with anyone, anywhere.

Your journey will look different than mine, but you have the opportunity to experience these Simple Living Principles on your journey, too. I hope that the lessons I’ve learned encourage you to take a leap and follow your dreams of living a simpler life.To Simplicity & Joy,Lisa


Reflections on SimpleREV 2015


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