This post was originally published on July 15, 2014 on the Simple Joy Organizing blog.Over the past year, I’ve become incredibly aware of the community with which I surround myself. I’ve been blessed with neighbors who are like family, with colleagues who are supportive and have become close friends and with other acquaintances who are disbursed so divinely throughout my days providing smiles and laughter at just the right times.I’ve shared my family’s simple living journey with many members of my community and I realize that they have all played an important role in my journey. Whether they’ve responded to my story with intrigue and curiosity or they’ve been cheerleaders right from the start, they have all helped me move forward in some way. They have inspired me to live my life, to spend more time enjoying their company. And for me, the key to living my life is simplifying. Getting rid of the stuff that drains my energy and that distracts me from DOING things. This is how I’m finding joy.I’ve found that simple living is something many people are aware of and interested in, but many people just don’t know where to start. In this day and age where you have to actually book time in your calendar to prepare your calendar for the upcoming week, the thought of stopping your routine to assess your life and intentionally take action to simplify prevents many people from ever realizing this way of living. They just don’t know how to jump off the speeding train they’re on.I often hear stories of people who are just waiting for one more event to happen or one more financial goal to be reached or for their kids to become a certain age before they begin their simplifying journey. And while I completely understand this logic (my previous spreadsheet-based way of evaluating everything comes to mind), I want to challenge you to this thinking.What if there was one small thing you could do today that would start you on your simple living journey? I guarantee that if you set the intention then take one small step each day, you will realize your dream to live simply sooner than you originally planned. And if you surround yourself with a supportive community, each step along the way will be easier to take.Radically simplifying your life takes a LONG time…we’re into our second year at this point and we still have work ahead of us. But we began feeling the benefits of simplifying right from the start. And so can you.So why not start today? Why not give it a try and see what happens? And if you need support along the way, know that I am here, as part of your community, to inspire you and guide you along. I wish you the best!Blessings,Lisa