This post was originally published on the Simple Joy Organizing blog on June 14, 2014.My life has changed a lot in the past year. It's been almost one year since I said goodbye to my job where I had spent the previous 12 years.Last year, the combination of some family life events, some soul searching and a giant leap of faith put me on a new path. The path I had been on wasn’t terrible, but something was missing. And in many ways I was just letting life happen to me.My story is still evolving, but so far, this new path has been SO MUCH FUN! Those that have known me for a while tell me I've changed. It's humbling to see that all the good I’m feeling on the inside is being reflected on the outside. Inspiring others to let go and live simply has been incredibly joyful to say the least!Today I’m sharing one word that has been at the heart of my transitions over the past year. It is possibility.This one simple mindset shift has done so much for me. I've learned to look for the possibility in everything that has come my way. And with this new way of looking at things, new experiences and opportunities have presented themselves in unimaginable ways! (More to come in future blog posts!)So next time something comes your way, good, bad or seemingly indifferent, let your mind wander... Let it wander to places it’s never been and remain open to possibility…for days, weeks, even months. And when you're least expecting it (in the shower, in the checkout line or driving down the road), intriguing, crazy, unconventional ideas will come to you. These are the ones filled with possibility. These are the ones you want to pursue. Jot them down. Let them percolate. Remain patient and open. Allow for the possibility that these crazy thoughts, these initially irrational ideas, might just lead you down a path that could change your life for the better. Anything is possible!I'd love to hear what possibilities you discover-send me a note!With many blessings,Lisa