What's Your Story?
It’s officially been one year since we made our cross country move to Maine! Being able to realize my dream of moving to the ocean is certainly at the top of my list of benefits of simplifying my family’s life and every time I walk the beaches and smell the ocean air, I am grateful for the changes we made.But there is another benefit that I’ve been reflecting on lately since we returned from our 6-week road trip to California. And that is the fact that I’ve been able to meet so many new people.With less physical and mental “stuff” in my life, I am “out and about” much more and because of this, I’ve been able to meet a plethora of new people. There are my fellow professional organizers that I’ve met at conferences and chapter meetings; the inspiring individuals with whom I’ve attended simple living conferences; the individuals I’ve presented to and worked with who are simplifying their lives; the community of moms, families, neighbors and local business owners as a result of my move to Maine; and the many fellow travelers and locals that I’ve met on my cross country journeys.And while I haven’t had time to sit down with every single one of these people and hear all about who they are and listen to their story, I’ve appreciated the moments that I have been able to share with them. I look forward to many more gatherings with those I’ve already met and I look forward to meeting many others.To those of you who are reading this post and fall into one of the groups I mentioned above, I look forward to talking with you or seeing you soon and continuing conversations we’ve already started.And to those of you who may be hearing from me for the first time through this post, I invite you to share your story with me. I’d love to learn where you’ve come from, where you’re headed and what has connected us on our journeys. I invite you all to send me an email, leave me a comment or give me a call and let’s chat!Meanwhile, if you’d like to hear a little more about me and my story, including why and how I’ve simplified my life, why I started my company Simple Joy Living, how I work with individuals, what I’m realizing after moving to a different state, what insight I’ve gained from reflecting on our cross-country travels and more, I invite you to listen to one of the interviews I’ve done recently with these awesome individuals. Each interview had a different focus so you’ll hear about different aspects of my story in each of them.The interviews can be accessed on my press page.I’m happy to include each of these individuals amongst the many people with whom I’m grateful to have crossed paths on my simple living journey. And I look forward to including you amongst them, as well!To Simplicity & Joy,Lisa