excessI’m not a fan of excess. Now that I’ve been living without it in my home and in my routine for several months, it’s easy to notice when it shows up. And I don’t like it when it does!This weekend, excess showed up in a big way. I wasn’t expecting it, and I hadn’t invited it, but I also hadn’t intentionally tried to avoid it. Saying “yes” to a series of requests from my kids was what ultimately got me to this point.I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say that over the course of 48 hours it involved a crowded mall with no parking and long lines, a crowded gym with loud music and lots of little beings half my size dancing and running around, a room filled with furry and not so furry exotic animals, a “jumpy place” with more loud music, crowds and lots of people (big and small) running around and jumping and…well, you get the idea!I ended up in these situations because I chose to say, “yes” to my kids. All of these activities were things they wanted to do and I was okay with that. However, the fact that they all happened in such a short time was what had me overwhelmed with excess!I’ve since recovered by spending some quiet time alone. I know that there is always something to be learned from experiences like this. What I learned from this weekend is that no matter how much we continuously work at simplifying our stuff and our activities, there will always be bumps in the road that throw us out of our simplified comfort zone.Just like my weekend was filled with a series of loud, crowded, high-energy activities (which was excess to me), sometimes our homes experience an inflow of excess, as well. What’s key during these times is to find the good in this midst of the excess. While I waivered between a growing headache and being present in the moment (my word of the year) during this weekend, I chose to find the good, the joy, in the moments. I chose to escape the excess and focus on the simple.And in doing so, I found the following joys:I met new people. I learned about animals I had never seen before. I savored the smiles and silliness of my kids while they ran, danced, jumped and sang. And I witnessed kindness and generosity of people (big and small) all around me.Maybe you’re in a season of life where the things in your home quickly turn into excess (piles of paper, crowded coat closets, or messy kitchens full of teenagers). When this happens, I encourage you to escape. Escape in your mind to simple joys in the present moment. I guarantee they are there. You just need to be intentional and find them.I’d love to hear what excess comes into your life and what simple joys you escape to when that happens. Send me a note and share!Blessings,Lisa


Want to Live Without Jealousy? Choose Simple.


Organizing the Invisible