Want to Live Without Jealousy? Choose Simple.

jealousyWe've been conditioned to believe that we need more. It seems as though everywhere we turn, there’s a message of “more is better”. Even if we’ve intentionally worked to remove ourselves from the inflow of information (TV, news, social media), this message still can manage to bombard us throughout our days.The ironic thing is, when you live your life in this quest for more, it is easy to become envious and jealous of all of the "more" that others appear to have.But what really do they have?  A fancy new car and the large payment to go with it?  A large house (or two) and weekends spent taking care of the house and the stuff it's filled with?  A respected title and paycheck with all the stress that goes with it?I've had all of these things at some point in my past.  And I admit that, even when I had all of those things, there were times I was jealous of what others had.  I wanted more.  And as more came, I wanted even more.  Eventually, after some life events, soul searching and influence from others’ life journeys, I woke up.  I realized that by intentionally choosing to give these things up, I would have the "more" I had been searching for all along.  And I would no longer be jealous of the “more” that others had.By choosing a simpler way of living, I gave up the quest for more and the jealousy that came with it.  By living intentionally, I receive so much more.  I have discovered a new way…a way that allows me to notice the little details in my day, that gives me time to say yes to my kids and that gives me the opportunity to explore and experience the wonders in this world.Once I shed the stuff, the beauty of all of these gifts appeared.  I unearthed the "stuff" that really matters. The stuff that was right there in front of me all along.So next time you find yourself jealous and searching for more, imagine what life might look like if you intentionally let all of the fancy, flashy and excessive go?  I'm betting you'd see the life you've been searching for all along.How will you choose to simplify and live intentionally-send me a note and share your story.Blessings,Lisa


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