Where Do You Wander?

rVvIisyfQwOhZv35PPhh_unsplashIf you’ve been following me for a bit, you’ve seen that my family has been on a major simplifying journey. We’ve moved from our “more than enough” house and we’ve gotten rid of nearly 75% of our possessions.I’ve shared snippets about our story here on the blog and on Facebook and I’ll continue to share more insights, inspiration and lessons learned about simplifying our “stuff”.But what I haven’t shared much about is how we’re simplifying our days. How we’re slowing down. In all honesty, we spent a good portion of this year moving pretty fast so slowing down is a welcome change.Intentionally choosing what to do with every single one of our possessions has required MANY hours spent making decisions, listing and selling things and taking items to a variety of donation sites. But we’ve persevered through this knowing that on the other side we’d be able to slow down.We know that less stuff equals more time.

  • When you have less stuff (to buy, clean, maintain, keep track of), you have more time to live…to wander…
  • So as I enter this new phase of slowing down, I’d love to hear where you wander. Or where you dream of wandering once you’ve simplified your stuff.

Life does NOT have to be lived at lightening speed. I know it seems like we have no choice but to try and keep up with the fast-paced world whizzing by around us but it doesn’t have to be that way. It is okay to slow down…to just wander.Blessings,Lisa


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I Don't Know