Give It Up!

give upOur family has spent a lot of time letting go of our stuff. In doing so, we’ve found freedom, space, time and even a little cash in our pocket.While we’ve focused largely on letting go of the physical, tangible stuff, we’ve also been learning to give up the intangible stuff…giving up control. We’ve been taking more of a “one day at a time” approach to living. And from this, we’re finding an even deeper level of freedom.One example of this happened this summer when my awesome sister-in-law coordinated family pictures for our extended family.Getting family pictures taken has always been a priority for me. And as “mom”, this has always been my responsibility. Everything from finding a photographer, deciding what shots should be taken, picking out clothing colors, choosing a location, coordinating a date and so on.So when my sister-in-law offered to handle the details, we graciously accepted. A date, time, location, photographer and color palette were decided on by the families then all we had to do was find the coordinating clothes and show up with smiles. It was the ultimate gift!Letting go of control requires intentionality so we’ve been paying attention to times when we can choose to let go. It does take effort and trust, but what it gives back (peace, calm, time) is so worth it!Where can you intentionally choose to give up control? When can you say yes to letting someone else handle the details so you can just show up with a smile? I’d love to hear your thoughts!Blessings,Lisa


No Regrets


Where Do You Wander?