Embracing the Color in White Space

colorI’ve written before about my favorite simple living principle-white space. It’s a concept that comes up often in my own life and it’s one that resonates with others. Sometimes it’s met with hesitation initially, but it often doesn’t take others long to warm up to the idea of incorporating more space into their homes and lives.When you think about incorporating white space into your life, what vision comes up for you? If you find yourself stuck on an image of a large bare room with white walls, a single chair, and an empty bookcase, you’re note alone (and you’re certainly not in my home)!If this is you, I invite you to take a moment and shift your perspective.   What if instead of seeing what’s not there-what’s missing-you instead embraced the color in the white space and saw all of what is there?What is the color to be found in this white space? It’s the life-giving, energy replenishing gifts you receive in “the in-between.”

  • It’s the space in your home for your eyes and mind to rest.
  • It’s time for simple joys.
  • It’s driving slower because you’re not rushing.
  • It’s going to bed early because you’re not trying to squeeze one more thing out of your day.
  • It’s actually finishing a job and taking three deep breaths before moving on to the next one.
  • It’s the silence between the crashing waves.
  • It’s the walk around the block as a family after dinner.
  • It’s offering a stranger your spot in line because you planned extra time.
  • It’s taking time to stretch when you wake up.
  • It’s staring out the window while you wait on hold.

White space is freedom. And it’s in this place of freedom that you have the opportunity to see and experience the vibrant, colorful world right in front of you. All of those moments that you miss when you don’t welcome white space into your life.Now is the time to create this space in between. There will always be another to do on the list and there will always be something else to buy to put on that empty shelf. But before you rush to do either of these, make time for white space. Then when you do, embrace the all of the color you find there.To Simplicity & Joy,Lisa


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