Curating Your Story
When we simplify our lives, we curate. We “pull together, sift through and select” what we want to fill our lives and our homes. We choose what to let go of in the interest of gaining even more. It takes time and it’s not easy but most people who have curated their lives agree that the process is well worth it.Maybe you’ve already significantly simplified your life. Or maybe you’re just getting started on your journey. But what you might not realize is that every single day you are curating your story. Whether you’re on a simplifying journey not.We choose who to spend our time with, what to spend our money on, the attitude we’ll show up with for work, what we’ll eat for dinner, and so much more. And as the years add up, this becomes the curated story of our life.When I’m working with others, sorting through sentimental items and photos from loved ones, we work to curate the story of those lives. We choose what to preserve and what to highlight from their story as we see it or remember it.I often wonder what that loved one would think about the story we curate for them. Does it really portray the essence of who they were? Are the details we highlight the ones that they would have chosen? What are we missing?Then I think about the stories we are each living right now. Instead of sifting through pictures and selecting what is important after the fact, we get to pull together the moments in our days and curate a life we love NOW. Not Later. Now. We get to choose the story-the adventure-as we “sift, pull and select” what fills our days.How often do we really consider whether the moments we are pulling together today will really add up to the curated story we want to have lived? I invite you to explore the story you are curating. If you like what you see, then carry on. But if you don’t, I encourage you to take a step in a new direction and curate the story you want to have lived.To Simplicity & Joy,Lisa