9 Ways to Create White Space in Your Mind

mindAlbert Einstein defined insanity as, “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” To truly simplify and improve things in your life, you have to change something. Allowing white space in your mind is one way make a change.White space is my favorite simple living principle as I’ve shared before. It’s one that resonates with many, but it’s also one that some find challenging to implement in their home, in their days and in especially in their mind.Choosing to get rid of something that has long-filled a space is hard. We get used to having something “there,” whether “there” is a shelf in your home or an idea in your mind. It’s what you’ve gotten used to.  But when you’re ready for a change, intentionally choosing to create space is a step in the direction of “simple.”So how can you create white space in your mind? Here are 9 ways that work for me and might work for you, too.

  1. Color - Find a coloring book that contains images and textures you love along with some markers or nicely sharpened pencils that are just for you (“Sorry kids, these are mine!”) Let your mind clear as the colors flow.
  2. Sit by the water - I’ve made some of the biggest decisions of my life near the water. There’s just something about the continuous movement and clarity of the water and its ability to have the same effect on your mind.
  3. Go on a scenic drive - “Sunday drives” might be a thing of the past, but they don’t have to be. Pick a route in the countryside and just go out and drive, with no specific destination in mind. What do you see that inspires peace in your mind? Where do you end up, literally and figuratively?
  4. Wash the dishes - I’m sure it’s a combination of the flow of water and the fact that I’m usually alone at the sink since everyone seems to disappear when it’s time to do the dishes. But I often find that this is the one of my most mind-clearing times of the day. What about you?
  5. Take a shower - As with washing the dishes and sitting by the water, taking a warm shower can be a great way to let the water flow and create space for your mind to rest. Some of my best ideas come to me in this state!
  6. Befriend a blank piece of paper - While a blank slate can be intimidating to some, it can also be empowering if you choose to see it that way. Sit with a blank piece of paper and your favorite writing instrument and just see what happens. Don’t focus on filling the void of the blank piece of paper; instead, focus on all of the possibilities that this piece of paper can turn into. Maybe it becomes a paper airplane or origami bird. Maybe some creative ideas in the form of words, drawings or doodles end up on the paper. Or maybe the paper stays empty and your mind empties, too…
  7. Go for a walk - A change of scenery and movement are the perfect combination for letting old thoughts out and a new perspective in.
  8. Listen to classical music - No words, just instruments. What happens when you get lost in this?
  9. Sit alone in a place of worship (a church, nature, etc.) - Instead of gathering with others, consider visiting your spiritual retreat place alone. What are you able to let go of in this setting? What space opens up in your mind?

Which of these will you try? I’d love to hear how you create white space in your life-share below or send me a note!To Simplicity & Joy,Lisa


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