7 Ways to Embrace Simplifying

embrace simplifyingGetting organized and simplifying your life is possible… that is, if you really want it.  Too often I meet people that love the idea of simplifying their life, but the get hung up on overwhelming thoughts of HOW to do it.  Simplifying your life does require effort, but the payoff from this work can be life-changing!Instead of thinking of the work ahead as an overwhelming project, you can choose to embrace the journey.  Here are seven ways to embrace simplifying:1. Start where you are – Don’t spend your time and energy focusing on guilt and wondering how you ended up with all this stuff. Instead, focus on the freedom ahead. You can’t change the past, you can only choose to move forward intentionally from where you are right now.  Accept this and you’re opening the door to the joy that lies ahead in a life with less.2. Step away – If you’re feeling claustrophobic and as though your stuff is closing in on you, it’s time to step away-literally. Take a day, a weekend or even longer to get away from it all and create a plan to make the changes you desire.   A change of perspective can be a pivotal way to find clarity, create a plan and create energy to move forward.3. Be objective – Taking a break from your stuff can allow you to return to it with a fresh, objective eye. In this state, be a detective, walking around your home, room to room, closet to closet, taking notes about three critical things:

  1. What is working
  2. What is NOT working
  3. What needs to change

Use this objectively completed list to create (1) a gratitude list (of what is working) and (2) a prioritized list of what is not working and what needs to change.4. Find a friend – Just as your stuff likely didn’t get there solely from you, (think items borrowed from friends, birthday gifts received, and items passed down to you) it doesn’t have to be gone through by just you. Decision making is hard so find a trusted friend that can hold your hand along the way and help you make decisions you feel good about.  They can also make sure you take breaks and eat snacks as you go!5. 'Gamify' it – I had a client who successfully improved her financial situation by 'gamifying' nearly everything she could along the way. She broke old habits, started new ones and connected with her husband by viewing it all as a game-a fun, rewarding challenge.  Find ways to make simplifying fun by creating your own challenges along the way.6. Get comfortable with empty space – As I, and several clients can attest to, there is beauty in the space between.  Clear just one shelf.  Leave it like that for a week.  See what it’s like to walk through that room and notice the empty space.  Peaceful, simple and relaxing are words I often hear from clients who have experimented with this.  Give it a try and let me know how it goes!7. Know your stopping points – Unfinished projects are some of the most energy draining aspects of our lives. It’s likely your “stuff” has accumulated over years, maybe decades, so know that short of a natural disaster, it’s going to take time to simplify.  Using your prioritized list from #3 above, break the project down into smaller projects.  Find ways to celebrate at each point along the way and allow space to savor that before you dig into the next area (even if it’s just a few hours or a day).  You’ll restore your energy and give yourself a chance to sink into the feeling of accomplishment that you achieved.Are you ready to embrace simplifying and get to work?!  Your simpler life is never going to happen if you don’t jump in and take action.  What are you waiting for?To Simplicity & Joy,Lisa


The Marathon of Simplifying


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