My 2018 Word of the Year
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.” - Rainer Maria Rilke2017 was quite a roller coaster for me. My patience, flexibility and resilience were tested and I was graced with many opportunities to practice receiving from others. It wasn’t pretty in the midst of it, but with 2017’s events in the rear view mirror now, I see the blessings in my experiences and I’m better because of them. I also have more insight and clarity about what I want personally and professionally and I'm not going to wait for "someday" to pursue them. It’s time to step up and be BOLD, which is my 2018 word of the year.BOLD was the word that surfaced after contemplating three other words for a few months. This word will underly my personal and professional endeavors this year. And I’ll warn you now, I just cannot write or type it in lower case letters! I promise I’m not yelling at you when I type it in all caps. :-)I’ll be celebrating 5 years in business this year and this word perfectly aligns with what I have in store professionally. Here are some of the ways I’ll be BOLD in my business in 2018:First and foremost, I want to engage with YOU more! I want to hear all about:
- What you want to simplify
- Why you want to simplify
- What big, bold dreams you want to pursue once the clutter is gone
- What you need for accountability while you’re on your simplifying quest
- How I can help you simplify your life and realize your dreams.
I know all of this is possible for you, but you have to decide that it’s time then you have to take action to make it happen. But you don’t have to do it alone! I’m here to help you if you’re really ready…If you’ve decided 2018 is the year you’re finally going to simplify your life and pursue your dreams, CONGRATS! You’re in for a BOLD year, too, and I can’t wait to see what unfolds for you. Tell me how you’re going to simplify your life! When you send me a note, you will have already taken two major steps in making 2018 the year you simplify your life-DECIDING and DECLARING. What are you waiting for?I’ll be speaking more - I’m taking the stage in two more states this spring and hopefully even more as the year progresses. I’ve visited 44 states with my family so now I’m working on a new challenge-to speak in all 50 states! Want me to come speak in your state? Send me a note and let’s talk!I’m done hiding - I’m pushing aside the curtain that I know I sometimes quietly hide behind. I’ll be letting more of my true personality, beliefs and opinions shine so I can connect more deeply with those of you who resonate with me.My offerings will be even more aligned - I have continued to narrow my focus and I have even more clarity about what I really love doing most, which is speaking, leading simple living retreats, facilitating workshops and working closely with women who are 100% committed to simplifying their lives, seeing the world and creating lives of experiences over things.I’m working on a BIG project - This project relates to my second book, which already has a title and is in the planning stages. It's bringing together the two things I'm most passionate about-simplifying and travel. I’m SUPER excited about this project and the potential it has to impact others who want to simplify their lives and experience the world.I’m writing more - I’ll be sharing my writing more with others and working on some big projects. You’ll find my blog, plus I’m getting back to guest posting and writing more articles for others.I’m leading more - I have taken on more leadership roles, which I love, so I will continue to step into leadership roles as they align with my core values and business mission, which is to help others simplify their lives and experience the world.I’m volunteering in more aligned ways - I’m hoping to share my organizing expertise in new ways this year by volunteering with a local non-profit and with another worldwide organization that focuses on conserving simple.I’m delegating - I admit that I cannot do everything by myself. Delegating doesn’t always come easy for me, but it’s time to practice one of the simple living principles I share most often which is to delegate so that I can give others the opportunity to do what they do best and I can spend my time doing what I love most.I’ll be connecting more with you - I’ve said it many times before-I get frustrated with the noise of the online world. This past year I’ve found Instagram to be the most enjoyable place for me to spend time in the online world.Truth be told, I’ve struggled to find joy in my newsletter over the years. I love connecting most with others ‘in real life’ but I know that some of the best connections I’ve made, personally and professionally, have come from the online world. Because I’ve always seen both sides of the email world (email clutter ranks right up there with paper as the most unorganized areas for the people I work with), there are times I've been hesitant to send a newsletter and add one more email to an inbox even though I have valuable and exciting things to share with you.BUT, when email is done right, it’s enjoyable and effective for me personally and professionally. I have drastically simplified what comes into my personal email accounts and I’m no longer overwhelmed with what comes in on a daily basis. I’ve intentionally chosen each email as something I want to see and I am able to get through my inboxes quickly without frustration.Along with this, I continue to find clarity on how to share my messages in simple, impactful ways that I enjoy. I’ve watched others like Brian at NoSidebar, Joshua at Becoming Minimalist and Lisa at LisaTener nuture their communities in ways that I enjoy so I’m following their leads on this. My community will have the first opportunities to get involved with what I’m working on as I live out my BOLD year so make sure you’re a part of it if living simply and experiencing the world are your desires!I’m also going to be BOLD personally, in many ways including shutting off devices more often, embracing new stages of motherhood, collaborating with colleagues, upholding boundaries, and seizing aligned opportunities that come my way.Overall, I’m going to be BOLD, stepping up and doing more of what I love in the interest of doing less of what I don't.Now it’s your turn-what’s your word of the year? Will you be BOLD in 2018 along with me? Or have you chosen another word? Please do share!To Simplicity & Joy,LisaP.S. In case you're previous words of the year were, convergence (2017), flourish (2016), presence (2015), love (2014) and joy (2013).