75 Simple Joys

simple joysDo you celebrate every day? Or do you wait for holidays and big occasions to celebrate?You don’t have to wait… You can celebrate with life’s simple joys whenever you’d like.Celebrating doesn’t always come easy as I shared in my last post. We often need reminders and ideas of ways to celebrate. If you’d like to celebrate more, I invite you to spend a few minutes thinking of your simple joys.This exercise might help… Close your eyes. Imagine you have all of the time and money in the world. What simple activities would you really love to do?  Thinking back to what you loved to do as a child might help.  Or thinking about things you would do “if only you had time” might also provide insight. Find what speaks to you.If you need more ideas, below is a list of 75 Simple Joys that I’ve compiled from my own personal list and from what clients have shared with me over the years.

  1. Read
  2. Play with a pet
  3. Hand write a letter
  4. Call a loved one
  5. Look at old photos
  6. Walk in nature
  7. Burn your favorite candle
  8. Sit on the couch with a comfy blanket
  9. Focus solely on breathing for 5 minutes
  10. Listen to your favorite songs
  11. Dance
  12. Doodle
  13. Exercise
  14. Plan a trip
  15. Get a massage
  16. Close your eyes and notice the symphony of life around you
  17. Smile
  18. Meet a friend
  19. Donate something
  20. Look up to get a new perspective
  21. Float in a boat
  22. Sit on the beach
  23. Research faraway places
  24. Learn a new word
  25. Learn a phrase in a foreign language
  26. Volunteer your time
  27. Clear a counter in your home
  28. People watch
  29. Do a puzzle
  30. Eat your favorite meal
  31. Swing on a swing
  32. Give a hug
  33. Go sledding
  34. Watch your favorite movie
  35. Get a new haircut
  36. Get a manicure or pedicure
  37. Sit in front of a fire
  38. Sip your favorite beverage
  39. Eat chocolate
  40. Buy fresh flowers from a local gardener
  41. Splash in a puddle
  42. Have sex
  43. Fly a kite
  44. Sing
  45. Bake cookies
  46. Make your bed
  47. Take a nap
  48. Sit under the stars
  49. Drive down a new street
  50. Play with clay
  51. Watch the sun rise
  52. Kiss
  53. Play with a baby
  54. Stand in the sunshine with your arms out
  55. Make a snow angel
  56. Build a sandcastle
  57. Play an instrument
  58. Use your china
  59. Visit an art museum
  60. Be still
  61. Lay in a hammock
  62. Tour a historic building
  63. Sit in the grass
  64. Paint a picture
  65. Photograph patterns in nature
  66. Sit on a park bench
  67. Dim the lights
  68. Have a jammies day
  69. Play a board game
  70. Go out to dinner
  71. Order in
  72. Snuggle
  73. Watch the sun set
  74. Drink a smoothie
  75. Pay it forward while you’re out and about

Need more ideas? Here are 9 more Simple Joys that you might enjoy.What are your favorite simple joys?To Simplicity & Joy,Lisa


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