Spending Less & Spending More

spendingSimple living has changed the way we spend money. While we’ve intentionally chosen to spend less money on certain things, we have also chosen to spend more money on other things.Here are 3 things we now choose to spend less money on and 3 things we choose to spend more money on.3 Things I spend less (or no) money on

  • Magazines – While I have come across a good article here or there in the magazines I used to receive, that article usually ends up online (for free) not long after publication. Additionally, the advertising that is contained in the rest of the magazine is no longer something I need. If I want to purchase something, I’ll search it out on my own instead of having someone else plant ideas in my mind for things I might need.
  • Clothes Less clothes makes for easier decision making when you’re getting ready in the morning-for the adults and the kids in our house. My kids constantly choose the same few shirts to wear over and over again so purchasing less for them has not been an issue. And for me, even though I have a much smaller closet space now, I enjoy having extra space by having fewer clothes.
  • Home Decor-we realized how much “stuff” we had on our walls and on shelves and tables when we prepared our house to sell it. After simplifying our home to sell it, I loved having lots of open space. Now I’m making space a priority now in our current house as we intentionally choose what to keep and display.

3 Things I spend more money on

  • Charitable causes - When you become more mindful of how little “stuff” we really need to live, you realize that a little bit can go a long way for many less fortunate families. One way we contribute as a family is to participate in 5k walks/runs for causes both close to home and far away.
  • Plane tickets - This goes along with seizing the opportunity to explore. While in the past I might have spent money on antiques or supplies for a “someday craft project”, I’m now finding joy in getting on plane and spending time with great people rather than wandering a store.
  • Out of the ordinary experiences - The ability to say yes to unplanned adventures is incredibly freeing. Somehow, it is easier to be brave when you know it is okay to spend money on opportunities that might not arise again. Specifically, this year, our family flew in a helicopter for the first time and my husband and I tried stand up paddle boarding-both experiences that I’m grateful to have said yes to!

What could you intentionally choose to spend less money on? What do you dream of doing instead? I’d love to hear your thoughts-send me a note!Blessings,Lisa


Keep Your Eye on the Horizon

