We All Need Snow Days
It’s March, we’re changing the clocks this weekend and spring is right around the corner. But here in my neck of the woods, there’s still snow on the ground and more in the forecast for next week. I love living somewhere where I get to experience all of the seasons and although I’m not much of a winter recreation enthusiast (as many people in Maine are) there is one thing I just love about winter-SNOW DAYS!This year we had several of them and although they’ve pushed back the end of the school year substantially, I’ve enjoyed the gifts these days bring. While I don’t wish winter on all of you, I do think we all need snow days, regardless of where we live. Why?Here are 6 reasons…
- They force us to slow down - We rush around each day, from one thing to the next. Snow days force us to slow down.
- They give us the opportunity to let go - It’s so much easier to add to our days than it is to take away. Snow days force us to simplify and just go with the flow.
- They limit our choices - Stores close, roads close and we have fewer options. The gas station on the corner might suddenly be the only place we can get milk. And that’s okay. One less decision to make.
- They give us more time at home - That puzzle we never take time to put together, that project that we can never get to, the fireplace that never gets used…all things we might choose to do when we’ve suddenly been given the gift of being home all day. (During our last blizzard we actually received a call from our local government saying to stay off of the roads!)
- They give us bonus family time - Activities get canceled, work plans change and everyone is home-an often rare occurrence for many families. Snow days provide this often much needed gift.
- They force us to notice nature - How many times do we look out the window on an average day? And how many times do we look outside during a snowstorm? Snow days force us to focus on nature and what’s happening in the world around us. How fun it is to catch snowflakes on our sleeves and notice the intricate details!
Even if it doesn’t snow in your neck of the woods, you, too, can enjoy a snow day. You don’t have to wait for Mother Nature to give you one. You can choose to make your own snow days whenever you want and you can choose to enjoy all of the gifts they offer. Whether you plan your snow day in advance or you spontaneously decide to take one, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you take the time to slow down, simplify, spend time with the people you love and notice the beauty around you.When will your next snow day be?To Simplicity & Joy,Lisa