A Simple Formula For Joy
What do you want in your life? What do you wish for? If it’s more stuff in your home and life, then this article isn’t for you.If it's love, happiness, peace, joy or something on that order, then keep reading.I believe that we get one life, one shot here on earth. We don’t know how long this one chance will be, so making the best of each day is critical.Although many people don’t fully realize it, we each get to choose how our days look. Yes, we have arrived where we are today based on a series of past events, but today is a new day and you get to make of it what you want.I’d like to suggest that if you’ve been living life by default (like I was for many years), that starting today, you begin using a new formula.Today, I’d like to suggest that you turn your “wishes” into “intentions” and create “new habits” that equal “more joy”.How do you apply this formula? Here’s one example…Wish: “I wish I enjoyed the fall season more, it goes by so fast.”+ Intention: “I will spend more time in nature this year.”+ New habit: “I will go for a 10-minute walk two times a week.”= More Joy: “I actually feel like I noticed the leaves turning colors this year and I loved it!”It’s a pretty simple formula when you think about it. All you need is a desire to change, to simplify, and then some creative ways to put it into action. Will you start using this formula today?I’d love to hear what your formula for joy looks like. Send me a note and share!Wishing you much joy,Lisa