One Trunk

TrunkAt the foot of our bed we have a large old trunk. It remains part of our curated collection of items for a few reasons. First, it has sentimental value. My husband’s great uncle brought it when he came to America. And second, it serves many utilitarian purposes-blanket and sheet storage, seating and suitcase unloading to name a few.  And finally, we love it!What amazes me about this one item, is that it held everything a person needed to leave their home and family, travel days across the ocean and then start a new life in a place they likely had never ever been to.Honestly, one trunk per person sounds nice. That sure would make moving simple! (More on my recent move in a future post!)What do you think? What would you choose to put in your trunk and take with you? Send me a note and share!Lisa




It's Not Always Simple