Do Your Kids See the Clutter?
Have you ever felt like you’re the only one in your home that sees the clutter? I know I have.When I pass by the assortment of items that have been sitting on the steps for a few days, I wonder how my kiddos have walked past their items numerous times. When I see the clean laundry that hasn’t made it off the foot of their beds and into their closet, I wonder if they see it.As a parent, I know that I am a teacher. I want my kids to live simple, organized lives and my husband and I are the ones responsible for teaching this in our home. I want them to be grateful and responsible for their belongings and I want them to realize that they can avoid wasting time and money and being stressed if they know where their things are.In your home, you are a teacher. You have the opportunity to teach organization and simple living. And to teach your children to see the clutter...then to address it. What you teach and how you teach it will vary depending on the age and personalities of your kids, but here are a few steps you can take:
- Communicate what you want - If dishes should end up in the dishwasher instead of piled in the sink, make sure that is clear. If items accumulating on the stairs is not acceptable, set a time limit for how long they are allowed to remain there until they get picked up and disposed of by you.
- Establish routines - Repeating tasks over and over again is one of the best ways to instill basic organizing habits. Be patient and give them time to work at whatever you’d like them to do.
- Lead by example - They are likely to do what they see you do. So practice what you preach.
- Celebrate jobs well done - I’m not suggesting giving tangible, clutter-contributing rewards, but instead, celebrate by telling them what you see as a success. Explain how their actions contributed to saving time, money or stress (your or theirs).
A few things that you can teach your children to be responsible for are:
- Library books - When you check out new books, mark the due date on a calendar that your child sees everyday. Keep a basket that is designated specifically for library books near where they like to read. Teach your child that this is the “home” for the books. They can grab one when they want to read it then put it back right after. When the due date arrives on the calendar, they know exactly where to go to grab their books and take them back to the library.
- Clothes - I encourage you to arrange your child’s closet so they can reach the clothes for the current season. (Hang off-season clothes up higher then rotate if necessary.) If they’re old enough to do laundry, they can be responsible for the entire process, but if they’re younger, give them access to empty hangers to hang clothes that are clean and designate baskets, containers or drawers for clothes that do not get hung. Setting a timer to accomplish the task of putting away clothes can be a motivator for little ones!
- Toys - Have bins and shelves clearly identified and easily accessible for your child’s toys. They’re much more likely to put them away if they know exactly where they go and they are easy to put away. (Think open containers that are low enough for them to reach.) Encourage the “one out, one put away” rule or be clear that toys get put back in their “homes” at the end of the play time, perhaps before dinner or before bed.
Do your kids see the clutter in your home? What do you do as their organizing and simplifying teacher? Send me a note and let me know!To Simplicity & Joy,Lisa