4 Things I Love About Disney as a Slow Travel Enthusiast

disney slow travel

I am all about simplifying life, slowing down, and savoring simple joys each day. I love simple retreats and off-the-beaten-path trips. I enjoy exploring new cultures when I travel and slowing down to take it all in. Many of my dream vacations consist of traveling to remote communities, often on cold, hard to reach islands... 

People that know this about me are often surprised when they learn that I am also a fan of Disney properties. A trip to Disneyland or Walt Disney World doesn’t seem to jive with slow travel and my ideal cold weather, simple accommodation, no crowd destinations.

What, then, do I love about the Disney experience? 

Here are 4 things I love about Disney as a slow travel enthusiast:

1. Commitment to Customer Service – Anyone who has sat on hold to question a bill, negotiated buying a car, or waited in line to make a return after a holiday, has likely experienced a range of customer service. Generally, I’m a pretty patient customer, knowing that the person taking care of me is just a means to what I’m really after. 

We’ve all heard the marketing jargon that the customer is always right, and Disney takes this to the extreme. Lovingly referred to as “cast members,”  most seem to actually like their job and enjoy taking care of people. From the cast members greeting us upon our arrival at the airport, to the kind man driving the bus from one park to another to, the server the restaurant helping us navigate my children’s severe nut-allergies, it’s clear they maintain a commitment to quality customer service. Connection is an important element of slow travel and Disney has this figured out.

2. Dedication to Cleanliness – From the underground trash tube system in Magic Kingdom, to the friendly cast members dressed in white drawing characters on the pavement as they wait to sweep up the next piece of garbage that falls, Disney knows how to maintain a clean property.  The process was so discreet that I didn’t even think about it until a friend mentioned something later.  One friend even joked that she swears there are cast members hiding in the bushes just waiting for a bit of trash to fall on the ground. Sustainable practices are an element of slow travel and Disney's commitment to this is evident.

3. Magic Everywhere – I was never into Disney movies or characters growing up.  Neither were my girls-princesses were just not their thing. Further, having spent a good portion of my life as an accountant, I wasn't really into things that didn't add up. Magic doesn’t add up... 

When I ask friends what it is about Disney that they love, they have a hard time putting it into words. “It’s just magical,” is often their answer. Now, after having visited myself, I understand their inability to put it into words. But a few things stand out as examples of magical moments including Tinkerbell flying out of the castle during the evening firework show, the pleasant distraction of a well-timed light parade across the water as you wait to board boats after closing, and the well-placed scents and sounds that fill the air as you move about. You’re never at a loss for seeing something magical if you show up with an open mind.  Getting lost in the journey is a key element of slow travel, and it's something Disney does well.

4. The story behind it all – After my first trip to Walt Disney World in Florida (in my 40s), I became fascinated with Walt Disney’s story. I was surprised to learn that he struggled so much and that despite those struggles, he never let go of his passion to bring his vision to life. He was driven to succeed and he saw things others didn't. His tenacity and relentless pursuit of his dreams enabled him to achieve his goals, even when it seemed no one else believed in him. 

As an entrepreneur, I resonate with his journey-the grand vision, the ups, and the downs. I can’t help but wonder what he’d say today about the world-wide empire he created. Digging deeper into Walt’s story, made me understand how magical it all really is.

It’s about so much more than princesses, villains, and animals that talk. 

It’s about following your dreams, battling your demons, fighting your way through the roadblocks, relying on your true friends, and following your heart.

Taking time to learn the story behind the people and the culture of a place is an important element of slow travel. I encourage you to explore Walt's story if you haven't already.


Slow travel doesn't necessarily align with waiting in long lines surrounded by crowds of people, planning out each minute of a trip months in advance, or wandering through stores filled with plastic gadgets as you exit rollercoasters.   

But it does include learning about the history behind where you are visiting, engaging in sustainable practices, having authentic experiences, understanding the unique culture of a place, and connecting with, appreciating, and developing a respect for its people.  

My experiences at Disney properties have given me all of this...in a way that only Disney can.

If you're curious about slow travel, start small. Start by looking for elements of it when you travel. Then begin to incorporate a few elements into your next trip. Experiment with an open mind. You might even find that you can enjoy some of the elements of slow travel in the places you’d least expect it, just like I have.


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