5 Tips to Navigate Living Simply with Kids

living simply with kids

Living simply with kids…  You might be wondering, “Is it possible?”  Or perhaps you’re asking yourself, “Can I really do it?”

Yes, you can! 

I’ve been doing it for 10 years and I’ve met many others over the years who are also successfully doing it.  With intention and determination, I know it’s possible for you, too.

Here are 5 tips to help you navigate living simply with kids:

  1. Simple looks different for everyone, especially families!  If your survey all of your friends and ask what living simply looks like for them, you’re going to get a variety of answers.  The size of your home, the ages of your children, whether you are home all day, what your children like to play with, and several other factors will impact how much stuff you have and what you feel simple is.  If your children are young (under 5) communicate with your partner or any other adults living with you and set some boundaries for what simple looks like (and doesn’t look like) for you.  If you have school-age and older children, work together to determine what simple looks like in your home.
  2. You are leading by example.  – Remember that they are watching how you live.  Set an example by keeping your clothes hung and put away, your bathroom and kitchen counters clear, and your desk or office tidy.  It’s also helpful to say no to “free” items that you really don’t need.  Your kids will learn a lot by witnessing you avoid bringing clutter into your home.
  3. Simple doesn’t always look magazine worthy. – Simple doesn’t need to look pretty.  A pile of unfolded, mismatched blankets in a basket by the couch is tidy and simple.  Books on bookshelves don’t need to be sorted by color, topic, or size-just teaching your children to get them back to the bookshelf is a way to keep your home simple. 
  4. Give kids space to have a “mess.” – Choose a container or drawer in their space and let them have free reign over what they want to keep in it (short of food or live animals!).  Think random party favors and other trinkets your child really wants to keep.  Communicate that this space can be used however they wish, but when it starts to overflow or the drawer won’t shut, it’s time to declutter (which you will do with him or her).
  5. Focus on quality over quantity – Choose to bring quality toys into your home (this was one of my son’s favorites).  Keep products that are versatile and inspire creativity (as simple as these).  Talk to your children about who makes their toys, how they were made, and how they got to your home. (This book is my favorite!)

Start small, give yourself grace as you go, and keep these five tips in mind to help you navigate living simply with kids.  You can do it!

For more ideas, I recommend this book, this book, and this book. And for more resources, visit the Family & Kids Simplifying Resources page.

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