10 Ways to Start Simplifying Today

startDon’t let the thought of organizing your life overwhelm you! Baby steps will get you started on the path to a simpler, more organized home.Here are 10 ways to start simplifying today:

  1. Go through your pantry - find all expired items, dispose of the food and recycle the packaging
  2. Go through your medicine cabinet - find all expired items and recycle them safely (check disposemymeds.org and your local government facility for locations and accepted items), then make a list of any items you need to replace.
  3. Find five articles of clothing that you can’t remember the last time you wore - donate them to a local organization and send better items to Dress for Success
  4. Go through your unopened mail - open it, sort it into shred, recycle and action required (bills to pay, RSVPs needed, etc.) categories then take action on these piles
  5. Find five books you do not plan on reading in the next year - donate them to your local library
  6. Find a kitchen utensil or gadget that you never use - donate it if it’s in great condition or recycle it
  7. Find one pair of shoes that hurt your feet or that you never wear - donate them to a local organization
  8. Find one item in your junk drawer that is broken - recycle it if it meets the requirements for your area or throw it out
  9. Find five towels in your linen closet that you never use - donate them to a local animal shelter
  10. Make a list of five things you CAN’T WAIT to do once you have less stuff - hang it up where you see it everyday and keep taking baby steps!

Often all it takes is a few simple projects like this to get you motivated to take further action. If you need help figuring out what to work on after completing these tasks, reach out to me! I’d love to help you move forward on your simple living journey.To Simplicity & Joy,Lisa


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