Enjoy the journey, support local communities, and exercise compassion for the planet as you embrace slow travel

slow travelWhy Slow Travel?

It’s simple…It’s good for you and it’s good for the planet. Imagine returning home from a trip, relaxed, with a deeper appreciation for the community you visited, having spent quiet time in nature, and having enjoyed the journey to and from the destination.Beyond these personal benefits, imagine the positive impact you had on the planet by choosing train travel over air travel, by dining on food grown and prepared in the community, and by staying at a location where sustainable practices are part of the mission.  This is a taste of what’s possible when you choose slow travel.

The Rise of Slow Travel

The slow travel movement arose out of the slow food movement which was started by Carlo Petrini in Italy in 1986 in resistance to the introduction of fast food in Rome.  According to slowfood.com, his intent was, “...to defend regional traditions, good food, gastronomic pleasure and a slow pace of life.”The slow travel movement aligns with these principles and, “is characterized by (1) shorter distances [of travel], (2) low-carbon consumption [of the travel itself], (3) and a greater emphasis on the travel experience,” according to Janet Dickinson and Less Lumsdon in their book, Slow Travel and Tourism.

Embrace Slow Travel

There are many ways to embrace slow travel, including:

  • Focusing on quality over quantity in your travel experiences
  • Enjoying the journey and the destination
  • Choosing smarter travel methods such as train or public transit instead of an airplane or car
  • Being aware of the impact your travel choices have on local communities and acting intentionally to respect cultures and the environment

Just as you can make the decision to simplify your home or life, you, too, can make the decision to engage in slow travel.Even if you’ve spent your life to this point jet setting around the world, crossing destinations off your bucket list as fast as you can, it’s possible to shift your approach and slow down.  As someone who visited 32 states in 40 days during a cross-country RV trip, I know what it’s like to travel fast.But I also know that with an open mind and a compassionate heart, you can begin embracing a future of slow travel.  You don’t have to make drastic changes all at once (unless you want to).  Small, consistent efforts will pave the way to more enriching travel experiences and positive impacts on the world.All you need to get started is curiosity…  Curiosity about what a slow travel adventure might look like for you.  Then dig in by researching ways that others have embraced slow travel.  Explore communities advocating for slow travel and sustainable tourism, like Cittaslow.  Learn the impact your travel dollars have on the people and the planet.  Decide that you’re ready to slow down your life and your travels by adopting a philosophy of quality over quantity.

Get Started

Helpful resources for Simple & Slow Travel.Recommended Simple Places to explore on your travels.Retreats focused on finding joy in your life.Coaching and consulting to help you create a joyful life and establish a sustainable business.

Are you a destination marketing organization that wants to highlight your unique opportunities for slow travel and agritourism?  I'd love to explore how we can collaborateContact me to arrange a visit.Have a group interested in learning how to create joyful lives, embrace slow travel, explore off-the-beaten-path destinations, support rural women across the globe, understand agritourism, or establish sustainable businesses?  Visit my speaking page for my programming options.Have questions?  Contact me and let's talk!