It’s Not All About Simple

simpleIf you know me or have followed along with me for any length of time, you know that I’m all about creating simple. I thrive on creating and embracing simple in my own life and I thoroughly enjoy working with others to create and embrace it in theirs.But it’s not all about simple for me… Simplifying your life leads to so much more, and that’s really what it’s all about. While people typically find me because they want to simplify their lives, once they start their simplifying journey, they realize it’s really about discovering themselves, realizing their dreams and truly loving their life.I use mind maps to brainstorm content and my most recent mind map had over 70 topics related to the work I do. These topics range from reasons why people want to simplify their life, like busyness and exhaustion, to what they want as a result of simplifying, like peace and joy.  I thought I’d share topics with you now along with snippets of how they relate to simplifying your life.

  1. Gather - A clutter-free home, a calendar that has space in it and an increased desire to spend more time experiencing life with the people you love are HUGE benefits of simplifying. These all enable you to gather with others more often. Personally, this is one of my favorite benefits from simplifying my life.
  2. Travel - Less time and money spent on stuff can mean more time and money to travel. It’s that simple.
  3. Confidence - Once you start peeling away the burdens and the layers of excess in your life, you start to uncover the essence of you. Discovering who you really are-without the stuff-can lead to increased confidence.
  4. Nourish - What you eat, how you spend your time and how you take care of your body comes to the surface as you start to clear the surfaces in your home. Embracing the space you create and focusing on nourishing you is life-giving.
  5. Fitness - Once you become aware of your unhealthy consumption habits, it often becomes easier to see unhealthy lifestyle habits. For instance, a full DVR keeps you sitting on the couch, yet canceled cable can lead to a more physically active lifestyle.
  6. Nature - It’s hard to walk out the door when you feel like you have so many projects keeping you stuck inside. Let go of the projects, go outside and experience the beauty around you.   If you can't go outside, take half of the artwork off your walls and look out the window instead. What do you notice?
  7. Sleep - Fewer commitments, a more peaceful bedroom and less stuff to worry about can lead to a better night’s rest. And sleep is really the foundation for everything-we can’t function without it!

This is just the tip of the iceberg-there are over 60 more topics where these came from! I’ll continue sharing more in future posts and I’m always incorporating them into my retreats, workshops and presentations. What topics relate to your life simplifying experience?To Simplicity & Joy,LisaSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave


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