5 More Lessons I Learned When Life Didn’t Go As Expected

more lessonsSometimes life doesn’t go as planned. I previously shared 9 Lessons I Learned When Things Didn’t Go As Expected and I’ve decided to share 5 more lessons I learned in hopes that these will help you when life doesn’t go quite as you expect.

  1. If you’re juggling too many balls at once, eventually one will fall. We all know this is true, yet it’s still so easy to get stuck thinking we can handle everything successfully. Despite my best attempts to keep everything afloat this summer when life threw me some unexpected events, some balls dropped. Many of our routines fell to the wayside and we chose fast, easy and unhealthy foods more than I wish we would have. But I knew these non-ideal circumstances would be temporary, and so did my family. Letting some routines and intentions go for a while relieved stress and gave us the energy to handle the other unexpected things that came up.
  2. When you’re feeling stuck, it’s helpful to reflect on your past experiences that have prepared you for this one. We’ve spent a lot of time RVing and camping as a family and are not strangers to living out of backpacks and getting creative with the resources you have. I found myself remembering those times, which really helped me through this time.
  3. When you’re stressed and frustrated and the last thing you feel like doing is saying yes to an invitation to go out and do something fun, “yes” might actually be the best answer. It might be just what you need most. Honor your body and mind and rest when you need to, but sometimes, the best thing you can do is get out and focus on something else. This was very important for us to remember.
  4. White space works wonders. I’ve written about white space, as it is my favorite simple living principle. It’s one we don’t seem to get enough of in this fast-paced, crazy busy world, but it’s one that can provide so many benefits on a daily basis. Whether you leave space between commitments on your calendar or empty shelves in your home, giving your body, mind and soul space to rest is life-giving.
  5. You might already have what you’re searching for. Be clear on what you want and stay open to how it will show up in your life. Just like Dorothy and her friends discovered in the Wizard of Oz, you might be surprised to find out that whatever you’re searching for has actually been there all along.

Even with the best of intentions to live a simple life, unexpected situations arise. I hope these tips help you get through them as they did for me.To Simplicity & Joy,LisaSaveSave


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9 Lessons I Learned When Life Didn't Go As Expected