It Happens to All of Us

It happensIt happens to all of us…we keep at something for a while and then it slowly begins to fall to the side in favor of other items that beg for attention.I’ve encountered this recently and I’m sharing to let you know that you’re not alone. Even when you live life intentionally and spend time every single day choosing what’s a “yes” and what’s a “no,” things can slip through the cracks or do the opposite and pile up. Think about that pile of papers that you had been so good at handling or the closet you started going through a few months ago or the photos you were excited to start organizing…For me this time it has been writing. I enjoy writing, I enjoy the reflection and I enjoy sharing it with others. But the past two months I just haven’t been able to get to that place where I sit down and put the thoughts into words. It hasn’t been for lack of topics to write about or reflect on (there’s been plenty of that!) and it hasn’t been because I stopped caring (it’s bothered me every day, in fact in bothers me MORE each day). It’s just one of those things that happened…I could spend time trying to figure out why it’s happened and I could list all of the things I’ve done INSTEAD of writing. But spending time focusing on the past and what I failed to do won’t help me move forward. Spending time dwelling on the excuses won’t help me move further ahead.What I’m doing instead is pausing to acknowledge where I am today. Then I’m taking a breath and choosing to move forward intentionally. I am choosing to make writing a priority again.Is it time for you to do the same? What do you find if you pause for just a moment and think about the things that are frustrating you? The things that you actually have the capacity to change? (I realize that sometimes we do NOT have the ability to change the things that frustrate us and instead we might need to choose to just let them go-but that’s a topic for another blog post.)If you’ve thought of something and it’s bothering you enough, be intentional and make the choice to take action. It’s often out of frustration that change happens.  I know the really big changes in my life happened out of discontent and I’m grateful that I was able to stop, notice and take action. I’d love to hear what’s frustrating you and what you’re intentionally doing to change it-send me a note!To Simplicity & Joy,Lisa


It's Not About What's In the Suitcase

