Compare Yourself to Yourself
I’m going to guess that if you’re reading this post, then you are, in some way, interested in simplifying something in your life. Maybe you’ve just begun thinking about the possibility of simplifying. Maybe you’re in the midst of it. Or maybe you’re nearing the end of a major simplifying project.Whatever the stage, consider where you are on the journey at this very moment.What does simplicity look like for you right now? Is it a small fire burning inside that is deciding it’s ready to burn with a vengeance? Is it mixed emotions-feeling like one day you’re productive and another day you’re moving the wrong direction? Is it a feeling of lightness and freedom that has you eager to get out of bed and see what experiences are in store for you today?Each of these answers is perfect. And whichever one is your answer, it’s exactly the right one. Yet I realize that you might not be feeling this truth…While searching for inspiration on your journey, sometimes what you find can have the wrong effect. Instead of being inspired by seeing how others live so simply, you feel overwhelmed and wonder how you could ever get to that point. Instead of finding fuel to move forward, you get frustrated and want to give up…but please don’t!I’d like you to consider, what would your answer to this same question (What does simplicity look like to you?) have been 6 months ago? Or maybe 1 year ago? Or even 10 years ago? Where were you then? Where were you at that point?Maybe the word simple wasn’t even in your vocabulary. Or maybe you were just starting to consider straightening up one room in your house. My guess is that your answer from back then is very different than your answer right now.Spend some time with this question and really think about where you were then and where you are now… Compare yourself to yourself… Not to others who are in different places on their journey or who have very different versions of what simple looks like. Remember, simplicity has a different meaning for everyone…Even if all you’ve done is read one article about how to simplify your pantry, then you are further ahead now than you were before. Acknowledging this is key. It’s key to continuing to move forward and it’s key to making progress in the journey and finding joy in the outcome-whatever that outcome is for you.I’d love to hear how you’ve compared yourself to yourself-send me a note!Many blessings,Lisa