Simplify Your Sentimental Items
Program Description:
Sentimental items are often the most challenging to simplify. From souvenirs to childhood creations to old letters, and more, these items surround you in many forms and can leave you feeling overwhelmed when trying to declutter. During this workshop, you will learn a new perspective for deciding what to do with your sentimental items. Use this approach to decide which items to keep, how to enjoy them, and most importantly, how to maintain the memories associated with them. Walk away with clarity on how to create a curated collection of sentimental items that aligns with your simplifying goals.
Key Takeaways:
Learn a new perspective for deciding how to declutter sentimental items.
Discover ways to maintain the memories while simplifying the physical items in your possession.
Develop a plan to create a curated collection of sentimental items that aligns with your decluttering and simplifying goals.
Suggested Audience:
Individuals and families who are downsizing and anyone struggling to declutter items while keeping the memories.
Programming Options:
1-hour virtual or in-person program