Declutter Your Mund
Program Description:
If you feel overwhelmed with too much on your mind, this program is for you! Join Lisa Luken for this workshop where you will slow down and begin closing the multitude of “open tabs” in your mind. Learn simple, practical, yet powerful ways to clear your mind and shift your perspective to create a life with less stress. You will begin the decluttering process during the workshop and will walk away with several tools you can continue applying after.
Key Takeaways:
Gain clarity on which parts of your life are causing the most mental clutter.
Begin the process of slowing down and closing some of the “open tabs” in your mind.
Learn simple, practical, yet powerful tools to create a life with less stress and overwhelm.
Suggested Audience:
Anyone feeling overwhelmed and too busy
Programming Options:
1-hour virtual or in-person program